Donations to the OBA

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Thank you for considering making a donation to the OBA

The OBA is a Charity, registered in England and Wales, No.1209591

Instead of paid subscriptions, we rely on donations to raise the funds which allow the Association to support the School.

We are grateful for all regular annual and lump-sum contributions, no matter how large or small

For example, the OBA recently funded £20,000 towards providing the School with a minibus, to allow educational, extracurricular and sports visits for Borden pupils.

A donation level of £15 per-Member per-year would allow us to fund the provision of a minibus for the pupils of the School, into the future.

Donations can be made by Standing Order, eBanking Payment, Debit or Credit Card, PayPal or Cheque.

To Donate by Standing Order or eBanking Payment :   (preferred method)

We receive: 100% of your donation, using this method

Standing Orders and eBanking Payments can now be set up directly by you on your mobile device or by securely logging on to your bank using your Browser.

Please use the following details:

Payee: Old Bordenian Association

Sort Code: 20 54 11

Account: 10966347

Reference: <email address> + <Leave year at Borden> <Start year at Borden> <your name>

                                                        (until reference is full)

If you would prefer a printable Standing Order form, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To Donate by Debit Card, Credit Card or Paypal :

Please note that the card-handler makes a percentage deduction from your donation for handling this type of transaction

Please click on the following link to make a donation by Credit Card or PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to donate by Credit Card.

If you wish to donate by Debit Card, please consider making an eBanking Donation, as this saves a percentage deduction handling fee being deducted.

Click here to Donate to the OBA by Credit Card or PayPal

To Donate by Cheque :

We receive: 100% of your donation, using this method

Please make your crossed cheques payable to: Old Bordenian Association

Please send your cheque with a covering letter to:

Hon. Membership Secretary

The Old Bordenian Association

Borden Grammar School

Avenue of Remembrance


Kent ME10 4DB

To Donate on your Phone or Tablet :

Please scan the QR Code with your Phone or Tablet:



Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your donation

The Old Bordenian Association is currently applying to HMRC for 'Gift Aid', which would enable us to claim an extra 25% on donations made.

If you have any questions about making a donation, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.