OBA Membership

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Register your Membership - Membership is Lifelong and Free

I went to Borden - am I not automatically a Member ?

Well, the simple answer is "NO".   You are eligible, but you must consent to Join the Association

The Right to Associate has been enshrined since at least the Magna Carta, though challenged throughout history.

So important is it, that it is now enshrined in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) as UDHR Article 20, the European Convention on Human Rights (1950/3) and the UK Human Rights 1988 Act (as amended).

Equally, protection from being associated against your will is also enshrined in Law.

You simply need to give your consent to being a Member of the Old Bordenian Association of Borden Grammar School Alumni, by registering as a Member.

If you have received an email from the OBA with a personalised membership link, please click on that to check or edit your Member details

or    Click HERE to register or update your Member details

or   Try our Quick Registration QR Code to get you started:


Membership of the Old Bordenian Association is open to the following:

☆ All those whose names have appeared on the roll of Borden Grammar School;

☆ Past and present members of the teaching staff of the school;

☆ Past and present members of the School’s Governing Body.

The charitable objects of the Association are:

☆ The public benefit of the advancement of education of pupils and former pupils of Borden Grammar School, Sittingbourne by:

(i) providing, and assisting in the provision of, facilities [not required to be provided by the local education authority] for education at the School, financially and practically.

(ii) promoting education (including social and physical training) in such ways as the Management Committee consider fitting.

(iii) awarding grants to school organisations to facilitate disadvantaged groups and individuals.

(iv) furtherance of education, or to prepare for entry to any occupation, trade or profession on leaving any educational establishment.

(v) assisting in such ways as the Management Committee consider fitting to develop such persons’ physical, mental, emotional and inspirational well-being, and moral and social development, through extra-curricula and leisure-time enrichment.

(vi) encouraging connections between school alumni and the School, including gatherings, assemblies, activities and fundraising events.

We arrange a charitable Annual Reunion Dinner at the School (although this had to be paused during the Coronavirus pandemic) and publish news and articles from Members on our website and Facebook pages.

All of our officers are Old Bordenians and volunteers, who give their time and skills freely to do their best to keep the Association running.

Officers and Committee Members are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, to which all Old Bordenians are welcome. This is normally held in September, and announced on our website.

Membership of the Association is now free. Instead of subscriptions, we invite donations to raise the funds which allow the Association to support the School. We are thankful for all regular annual and lump-sum contributions, no matter how large or small. For example, £15 per-Member per-year would allow us to fund the provision of a minibus for the pupils of the School, into the future.

Donations can be arranged by Standing Order, eBanking Payment, Paypal or Cheque.

We also welcome offers of practical help from Old Bordenians.
Details on how to donate

OBA World Membership Diaspora Map

Our Membership Maps show the last known locations of Old Bordenians. You can zoom in and out to view your own location.

Are you not on the map ? - please update or register your Member details above.


World View (opens in new window)

England View (opens in new window)

SE England View (opens in new window)

Data Protection, UK GDPR and DPA 2018 (as amended)

Click here to learn more about how your Membership data are protected

If you have any questions about Membership please email the Membership Secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.