2012 OBA AGM Minutes - 5 October 2012

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The Minutes of the OBA Annual General Meeting held at the School on Friday 5 October 2012


Members present: N. Hancock, K. Sears, A. Snelling, D. Palmer, D. Jarrett, S. Caveney, G. Barnes, M. Pack, C. Laming

Apologies for absence: The President H. Vafeas, P. Lusted, T. Akehurst, M. Stewart, K. Shea, P. Taylor

The secretary was asked to record the committee’s best wishes to the President who was unable to be present for health reasons.

Minutes and matters arising: The minutes of the meeting held on Friday 7 October, 2011, were agreed and signed as a correct record.

The secretary reported that a memorial for John Macrae had been purchased but that it did not appear to have placed with the tree in the school garden. C. Laming to check with the school office.

There were no other matters arising.

The 2012 officers and committee were elected as follows:

President: H. Vafeas

Vice-President: P. Lusted

Hon. Secretary: C. Laming

Hon. Treasurer: N. Hancock

Membership secretary: K. Shea

Dinner Secretary: C. Laming

Website representative: D. Palmer

Website advertising: K. Shea

OBA governor: A. Snelling

Football rep: K. Shea

Hockey rep: N. Hancock

Committee: P. Taylor, S. Caveney, T. Akehurst, G. Barnes, M. Pack, M. Stewart, D. Jarrett, B. Gilbert, K. Sears

Accounts examiner: P. Taylor

Tony Akehurst had sent word that he is unlikely to be able to attend future committee meetings but would be happy to remain on the committee. Members present voted unanimously in favour of him remaining so.

Constitutional changes: None

Correspondence: None.

Treasurer’s report: N. Hancock reported a loss of £582.21 in the period due largely to the level of donations made to the school compared with the previous year. Subscription income was down to £3,727 from £4,094 which was a possible cause for concern. The annual dinner had made a small loss, due to the provision of free meals students who had assisted at the remembrance service. The cost of postage had increased considerably in advertising the annual dinner. The General Fund stood at £5,736.79 which would allow a sizeable donation to the School. It was agreed to defer a decision about the amount, and the timing of any donation, to the February committee meeting after having sought advice from The President about a suitable school project in the meantime.

M. Pack proposed the adoption of the accounts and D. Palmer seconded. The committee thanked N. Hancock for his continued contribution as Hon. Treasurer and also P. Taylor who had examined the accounts.

Dinner Secretary’s report: To be presented at the following committee meeting. The committee recorded its thanks to the retiring dinner secretariat for its hard work in organising dinners for many years.

Membership report:K. Shea would prepare a report for the committee meeting in February.

Hockey report: To be presented at the following committee meeting.

Football report: To be presented at the following committee meeting.

Website report: To be presented at the following committee meeting. The website committee, and D. Palmer in particular, were warmly thanked by those present for all their hard work.

Remembrance report: To be presented at the next committee meeting.

Committee meeting dates: Friday 1 February, 2013 at 7.30 pm

Friday 14 June, 2013 at 7.30 pm

Friday 4 October, 2013 at 7.00 pm to include the AGM

Annual dinner: Saturday 23 March, 2012

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.25 pm.