Events & Reunions
Harold Vafeas Dedication Ceremony
The latest major extension to the School was dedicated as the
'Harold Vafeas Sports and Learning Block'
on Friday 27th September 2024
Partial handover of the new substantial extension to the School began in late May, however full handover will not be until during the new school year, with ancillary building works and re-laying the Lower Field continuing late into the Autumn.
The new block is to be known as the Harold Vafeas Sports and Learning Block, in memory of Headmaster Harold Vafeas, who was taken ill in service, and who passed away in January 2014.
ALL OBs are cordially invited to apply for a named invitation to the ceremony, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the first instance, and we would like to encourage a maximum turnout in honour of Mr. Vafeas - particularly for OBs who were pupils during Harold's nine year tenure from 2004 to 2013
There are limited places available, and admission is by named invitation only so that the School can manage guest numbers
Please actively contact your classmates and encourage them to join the Association by scanning or clicking on this QR Code:
2024 OBA Annual Reunion Dinner Report
More than 60 years of Borden history were bridged between the oldest and youngest attendee, and there were well-wishing messages received from all around the world, from Members leaving as far back as 1946.
2024 Annual Reunion Dinner - Keynote Speaker Alan Snelling text
Here you can read the full text of Alan Snelling's Keynote Speech
at the 2024 OBA Annual Reunion Dinner
Mind your language- the passport to success and to fly 2 million miles around the world.
Alan Snelling – probably the most widely travelled Old Bordenian businessman.
Having recently retired, it is now the best time to look back over a high flying, international career which has its roots firmly in my days at BGS. So let me take you back to the early 1960’s at BGS, then onto the CV , followed by a review of it all. So, fasten your seatbelts and let’s go...
Future OBA events - Dates for your diary
Old Bordenian Association Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Thursday 12th September 2024, starting at 18:30 Local BST (1730 GMT/UTC)
All Members of the Old Bordenian Association are invited and, indeed, encouraged to attend the OBA AGM in September 2024. The AGM will be hosted on Zoom, enabling Old Bordenians from ALL around the world to participate actively in the OBA's management. The AGM includes a summary of the School's and the OBA's activities over the preceding year, the presentation of OBA financial accounts, and the election of Committee Members and allocation of Roles for the forthcoming year.
The date is chosen to be soon after the start of the new school academic year, to also allow Staff (including new Staff) to be informed and take part, and before the start of the university academic year to encourage new and recent school leavers also to take part before they disperse to priorities new.
The time is chosen to try to be not too late in the UK and Europe, Africa and West Asia time zones; early afternoon in the Americas; and not too early in East Asia and Oceania time zones.
Do note the date in your diary and do try to take part !
We are appealing for OBA Members to join the Committee. Can you spare 10 hours over the next year in order to keep the OBA running ?
Are you an interested Old Bordenian who can play a passive role in an Oversight and Advisory capacity to ensure that the Association is run properly ? We have quarterly meetings to coordinate the activities of the OBA. There is no further call on your time.
Or perhaps you have specific skills and experience that you can offer in fields such as finance, administration, marketing, engagement and accounting.
Perhaps you would like to play a key role in the running of the Association in between meetings.
If you are interested in giving something back to the OBA, and keeping it running, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dedication Ceremony for the
'Harold Vafeas Sports and Learning Block'
extension to the School
4pm Friday 27th September 2024
Admission by ticketed invitation - see below
Partial handover of the new substantial extension to the School began in late May, however full handover will not be until the start of the new school year, with ancillary building works and re-laying the Lower Field continuing late into the Autumn.
The new block is to be known as the Harold Vafeas Sports and Learning Block, in memory of Headmaster Harold Vafeas, who was taken ill in service, and who passed away in January 2014.
ALL OBs are cordially invited to apply for a named invitation to the ceremony, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the first instance, and we would like to encourage a maximum turnout in honour of Mr. Vafeas - particularly for OBs who were pupils during Harold's nine year tenure from 2004 to 2013
There are limited places available, and admission is by named invitation only so that the School can manage guest numbers
Please actively contact your classmates and encourage them to join the Association by scanning or clicking on this QR Code:
OBA & BGS Combined Annual Service of Remembrance, 2024
Monday 11th November, starting at 10:30
All OBs are cordially invited to the annual Service of Remembrance. This may be held on the steps in front of the School, or within the Quadrangle. This is a combined service for Old Bordenians and Current Bordenians.
This year, Remembrance Sunday is on the 10th. Please note in your diary that the combined OBA & BGS Service is being held on Armistice Day which is Monday, 11th November 2024, and starting at 10:30.
We hope that you can join us.
Old Bordenian Reunion Dinner 2025 - In planning, Saturday 26th April 2025
Venue: The 1928 School Dining Hall
Bar opens 6pm; first course served at 7pm
If you have questions about the Dinner, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2022 OBA Annual Reunion & Dinner Report
After two missing years, there was much anticipation about our 2022 Annual Reunion and Dinner. A chance to reconnect with friends and make new ones. A chance to socialise again without Government mandate. It did not disappoint.
Virtual OB Meet ups - 'First Wednesdays'
The BGS class of ’68 have been meeting every month in a local hostelry for over 20 years. Would the global pandemic stop this?
OBA Dinner 2021 - Update February 2021
Given the current circumstances across the UK, the OBA Committee has confirmed that the 2021 Dinner will not take place. The current pandemic situation negates our usual early Spring date and of course we are still uncertain when restrictions will be fully lifted to allow indoors social events such as our annual gathering. We will of course alert Members to any decision on potential events later in the year if the opportunity to hold them safely arises.
Calling 1971 school joiners!
Geoff Rousell is looking to bring together Old Bordenians who joined the School in 1971 for a reunion at the 2021 OBA Annual Dinner.
OBA Dinner Postponed
Given the UK government's recent advice on social gatherings and to protect the welfare of our members, we have postponed this years OBA Dinner which was due to take place on Saturday 21st March. We have already informed those who had paid for places.
Although we cannot foresee how long the current advice will prevail, but we hope to still rearrange this for some time in 2020.
Calling all Sheppey Old Bordenians
For many years the OBA held an additional annual gathering for those OBs who came from Sheppey during their time at the School. We are looking into holding these dinners once more. If you hail from Sheppey or used to live there during your School days and are interested in meeting up, drop Neil Hancock a line on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
1969 Leavers reunion report
Back in 1994, a large group of Old Bordenians gathered to mark the 25th anniversary of their departure from Borden Grammar School.
Another 25 years have passed and following a tour of the School, a dinner was held at Hempstead House in Bapchild to celebrate 50 years since the majority of those present ended their school life. Some of those present have known each other since their primary schools (including Barrow Grove and a few even to Ufton Lane) in effect 63 years of friendship. Together they managed to locate and contact 31 former colleagues, scattered in all parts of the globe and 18 were able to attend the Reunion on June 15.
Final OBA Veterans reunion (again!)
A very enjoyable evening was had on 13th June 2019 at the latest in a series of ‘last’ OBA Veterans reunions held once again in the ‘Appleyard Sports Bar’ (previously known as UK Paper, and previously known as Bowaters Pavilion). It seems we get more to these reunions that we used to get available for Sunday morning matches.
2019 Annual Dinner Report
It was with much pleasure we were able to hold the 2019 Annual Reunion Dinner back at the School on 30th March. 66 Old Bordenians dined in the Old Hall and the Chairman, in his welcoming remarks, noted we had 'come home'.