Old Bordenian Association Constitution (as amended 2021)

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The OBA Constitution was amended at the 2021 AGM:


(as amended October 2021)

  1. The name shall be the OLD BORDENIAN ASSOCIATION (“the OBA”).

  1. The following shall be eligible for Membership of the OBA:

  • All those whose names have appeared on the Roll of Borden Grammar School (“the School”)

  • Past and present Members of the Staff of the School

  • Past and present Members of the School’s Governing Body

  1. The objects of the OBA shall be as follows:

  • To assist the School and its organisations financially and in practical ways.

  • To hold reunions, to foster good fellowship and a corporate spirit amongst Members.

  • To arrange sports and various activities for the Members through Recognised Sections.

  1. Membership of the OBA shall be free to those eligible.

  1. The affairs of the OBA shall be controlled by an elected Committee of Members (“The Committee”). Each Member of The Committee shall have one vote.

The Offices of the OBA shall be:

  • The Honorary President (normally the Headmaster of the School)

  • The Honorary Chair

  • The Honorary Secretary

  • The Honorary Treasurer

  • The Honorary Membership Secretary

No Member shall hold more than one Office concurrently.

Other Members of The Committee:

  • One Member nominated by each of the Recognised Sections.

  • The OBA Representative(s) on the Board of School Governors.

  • Ordinary Members, attending the AGM.

  • Roles may be added or deleted by vote of The Committee

  • The Committee shall have the power of co-option of a Member of the OBA until the next AGM or EGM. Co-opted Members shall have the same voting rights as elected Committee Members.

  1. The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) which shall normally be held shall be held each September at the School or such other location agreed by The Committee.

(a) Notice of the AGM shall be published at least one month in advance on the Old Bordenian Website and by email to Members where their email addresses are known.

(b) If there are any special items that Members may wish to include in the AGM agenda, including changes to this Constitution, these must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least two weeks in advance.

c) The Agenda for the AGM shall be published at least one week in advance on the Old Bordenian Website and by email to Members where their email addresses are known.

(d) The Honorary Treasurer shall prepare the OBA’s Annual Accounts made up to 31st July each year and have them certified by an Honorary Independent Examiner appointed by The Committee, and shall present them to the AGM for approval.

(e) The Officers and Role holders shall each prepare a report for the year and shall present them to the AGM.

  1. The Officers of the OBA, Role holders, and Ordinary Members of The Committee, all of whom shall be Honorary and must be Members of the OBA, shall be elected annually at the AGM.

  1. A minimum of four Members of The Committee shall constitute a quorum for The Committee meetings, AGM and EGM.

  1. The Committee shall have the power to set up various sub-committees and co‑opt to them additional Members from within the OBA.

  1. All minutes, reports and proceedings of sub-committees, duly signed by the Chair of such subcommittee, shall be presented to The Committee at its next meeting.

  1. Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM). The Membership may call an Extra Ordinary General Meeting on the written application of ten or more Members of the OBA. Notice of an EGM shall be published at least two weeks in advance on the Old Bordenian Website and by email to Members where their email addresses are known.

  1. Funding of the OBA shall be by recognised donations. All donations shall be listed proforma and declared at the next AGM by the Honorary Treasurer.

  1. The funds of the OBA shall be administered by the Honorary Treasurer, and all payments shall be authorised by the Honorary Treasurer and either the Honorary Chair or the Honorary Secretary, or such other authorised signatories agreed by The Committee.

  1. Honorary Life Membership of the OBA may be conferred if it is considered that exceptional services have been rendered to the OBA or to the School which merit the award of this distinction. The conferral of an Honorary Life Membership shall be by the unanimous vote of The Committee.