OBA to apply for Registered Charity status: EGM affirms new constitution

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At the Extraordinary General Meeting of the OBA that took place on 30th November 2023 membership voted in favour of a revision to the OBA Constitution which paves the way for an application to register the Association as a Charity.  

At the virtual meeting Chair Mark Sayer held a vote on two resolutions: one to agree to a revision of some wording in the OBA Constitution required to apply for Charity status, one to empower the OBA Committee to make that application to the Charities Commission. Both resolutions were carried unanimously, (57 votes in favour, 0 against).  The achievement of Charity status will in turn allow us to claim gift aid on donations and thus bolster our support for the School and its students. Thanks to Mark and Treasurer Donal Watkin who have both been instrumental in making this proposed change a practical proposition and, we hope, fully achieved in 2024.