Tony Akehurst bequest - updated

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Tony Akehurst (who left the School in 1955) died in February and has left a £500 bequest to the Association. Neil Hancock has provided further words on Tony's life at school and beyond.

Tony was successful at athletics, particularly sprints, hurdles, long and high jump and was a member of Sheppey Athletics Club. He was also goalkeeper for the school football 1st XI. He joined the Army after leaving the School.


Tony was a considerable athlete, mainly running and football. Old School mags record a number of successes.
He equalled the 80 yard hurdles record at aged 14/15 in 1952 with 12.2 seconds, and first in High Jump with 4 foot 7 inches.
At the 1953 Sports Day he was first in 100 yards, 2nd in 220, 2nd in hurdles, first in both high and long jump, winning team in relay.
Much the same was achieved in the Swale sports. Represented Swale in Kent Sports, achieved County standard. 1953 football, in goal for 1st xi football, and played first team hockey.

Tony left School in the summer of 1955 to join the Army, served in Cyprus as a parachutist. Held an association with his Regiment for most of his life.
A huge supporter of the Old Bordenian Association, Tony attended Committee meetings for years from his home in Southend, as well as the Sheppey Dinner.

From his house he could see the Ferry Bridge across The Swale, which reminded Tony so much of his beloved Sheppey.
Tony suffered ill-health in his latter years but received huge support from his son, Mike.



It was Mike who contacted us to let us know that Tony had left a £500 bequest to the Association.

We thank Mike for arranging this and mark his Father's death here on the Association website. The work of the Association to support the School and remember those who have passed through its doors is benefited by bequests like Tony's; we rely on member's donations and leaving a bequest (however large or small) is a great way to ensure the Association continues its work.



Tony was a considerable athlete, mainly running and football. My old School mags record a number of successes.

He equalled the 80 yard hurdles record  at aged 14/15  in 1952 with 12.2 seconds, and first in High Jump with 4 foot 7 inches.

1953 Sports Day. First  in 100 yards, 2nd in 220, 2nd in hurdles, first in both high and long jump, winning team in relay.

Much the same was achieved in the Swale sports. Represented Swale in Kent Sports, achieved 5 foot County standard. 1953 football, in goal for 1st xi football, and played first team hockey.

Left School summer 1955 to join the Army, served in Cyprus as a parachutist. Held an  association with his Regiment for most of his life.

A huge supporter of the Old Bordenian Association, attended Committee meetings for years from his home in Southend, as well as the Sheppey Dinner.

From his house he could see the Ferry Bridge across The Swale, which reminded Tony so much of his beloved Sheppey.

Suffered ill-health in his latter years but received huge support from his son.