We have received the sad news that the Rev. Stanley Evans passed away in December 2019. Rev. Evans was a stalwart of the OBA and known by many Old Boys through his work with the School and Association.
Stanley Munro Evans was born in Paget, Bermuda where his father was serving in the Dockyard, on 21/4/1930. On return to UK family lived in Minster, Sheppey, where Stanley joined the choir at Minster Abbey. This in turn led to an interest in bell ringing and he became a member of the Kent Association of Change Ringers at the tender age of 14. Remained a member of this all his life and Association members rang the bells at his funeral ceremony.
Young Stanley joined Borden Grammar School in September 1941, the same day that George Hardy began his 27 years as Head. Like many Sheppey boys he was evacuated to South Wales with Masters and boys for a time during World War 2. He spoke well of this experience.
Stanley left BGS in 1948 to enter the Church. His first appointment in charge was Bredgar parish. During his time there he is credited with extensive fund-raising to re-furbish the Church bells. This was successful and so in 1967 6 bells replaced the original 5 (including the oldest bell dating back to 1579). The parish remembered Stanley by ringing a half peal on 21/12/2019.
Stanley was a stalwart of the OBA. He officiated at the annual Remembrance Service at the School for many years till 2017, attended many annual Dinners on Sheppey and at the School, the last being as recent as March 2019.He also officiated at the dedication of the Clock Tower at BGS which is in memory of Old Bordenians lost in War.
Whilst at BGS Stanley went on holiday to St. Emillion near Bordeaux, and stayed with a local family. He maintained close links with the family throughout his life, and would motor there until well into his 70's.
After Bredgar he moved to the benefice of St. Saviours, Westgate, Thanet, where he stayed until retirement 30 years later. It was here he met his wife Marie, a Westgate resident. On retirement they moved to Ramsgate, but his wife suffered ill-health in recent years. Stanley died in St. Michael's Nursing Home on 14/12/2019.
His funeral service was at his old Westgate Church attended by a very large number of friends.
He will be missed by many, not least for his friendship and ever cheery disposition.