Barrie Mann

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We have been informed that Barrie Mann, pupil from 1947-1954 passed away in March 2020. 

Neville Amos (1947-54 as well) has sent us some recollections about Barrie's time at the School and beyond:

"So sad to hear of Barrie’s death Our years at Borden coincided exactly. He must have been one of the most talented all rounders in Borden’s sporting history - wicket keeper for the first eleven cricket team for at least 4 years, 1st XI Football and Hockey. He also represented Kent schools as a sprinter at the All England schools athletics championships.

He was a friendly, likeable personality and was always modest about his many achievements. His fellow pupils were impressed that he had two middle names -Fortescue and Barton!

On a personal note, in September 1954 I was travelling by train from Sittingbourne to Oswestry to enlist in the Royal Artillery for 2 years National Service. I was very surprised to see Barrie on the same train to the same destination.No modern means of communication in those days! A further coincidence was that we were allocated adjacent beds for the first two weeks basic training .

Some years later we met again on a hockey field in the West Midlands where he was head of P E at Darlaston Grammar School."