Bryan Short - further recollections

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We continue to receive contact from Old Bordenians and ex-staff to record their personal recollections of Bryan Short.  We publish some further submissions below.


When I came fresh from college to the school to be interviewed for the post of Head of RE back in 1975 (and having spent a fair bit of the afternoon with the 1st X1 in the nets!), I was duly offered the job by Bryan with the words “you do have an academic gown don’t you Mr Hack?”
Rest in peace sir.

Arthur Hack - Former staff (1975-1989)


I wanted to pass on my heartfelt thoughts to friends and family of Mr Short. I wanted to share my poem of remembrance too:

Tobacco smoke wafting down the hall,

We all stand to attention and humbly nod our heads:

“Good day sir!”

All had the utmost respect for him.

Clacking shoes approach down the hall,

We dash away hoping not to get caught:

“Come here boy! What are you up to?”

Nothing went unnoticed… He expected only the best.

Quietly and confidently he walked down the hall,

We work hard and strive ever onward to improve:

“Nitere Porro!”

He took great pleasure in seeing Bordenians achieve.

Serenely and faithfully he strode down the hall,

We bow our heads in prayer and sing hymns of praise:

“Guide me o thou great redeemer!”

His faith and godly wisdom felt by all.


Rest in peace Sir.

Paul Holton



I was in the upper sixth when Bryan joined the school so he only had one year to sort out any deficiencies that George Hardy had not identified in our year!

His style was different to George’s but the air of quiet control around the school continued, and in the main he had inherited a good group of staff who had a more relaxed relationship with sixth formers - I recall that the staff v prefects cricket match was so enjoyed by all that we did it again a few days later. Bryan was committed to the good reputation and educational results of Borden, and also always showed an interest in sporting activities welcoming the prestige that the school gained when winning various competitions. The final metres (yards in those days) of the sixth form annual cross country (enforced rather than voluntary!), saw Bryan standing at the tape to congratulate or commiserate.  I came in tenth or eleventh for which I was quite proud, to be greeted by Bryan’s “you need to cut out those cigarettes, Lusted” - I didn’t smoke!

When I came to the end of life at Borden, Bryan, out of the blue, invited me onto the OBA committee as the Headmaster’s Rep. I went along with some trepidation and found a group of Old Boys of various ages, all keen to  develop the OBA and its support of the school. My unwritten contract from Bryan had no exit arrangement and I stayed for 50 years! During that time Bryan showed tremendous support for the Old Boys Football Club by allowing us to use the school pitch for matches and the gym for training. He was always a wise head at OBA meetings and ensured, with the help of John Macrae, the continuing close bond with the school started by George Hardy - staff at OBA Dinners, Remembrance Day, school v Old Boys sports matches etc.

Bryan’s wisdom, quiet humour and total commitment to both Borden and the Old Boys will be sadly missed.

Peter Lusted (1962-1969)