Old Bordenian Sports Clubs - update
Old Bordenians have active Football and Hockey clubs. This article highlights the recent progress of both these clubs.
Old Bordenians have active Football and Hockey clubs. This article highlights the recent progress of both these clubs.
Comment received from Nicholas Vincent, re "Frank Nicholls - Obituary". To see full article and comment, click here.
I think I should start by making it clear that what follows is not necessarily the official view of the Association but the thoughts of just one very, very Old Boy.
In trying to answer the question, my first instinct was to draw up a list of the benefits that any Old Bordenian can get from Membership of the Association, but in some ways to do this is to miss the point. I found myself returning to that old President John F. Kennedy exhortation : “Ask not what your Country can do for you. Ask instead what you can do for your Country”. The fact is that the tangible advantages are somewhat vague or insubstantial, and at the end of the day the Association exists as much for the benefit of the School as for its Members.
This is the fourth article documenting the early years of Borden Grammar School, written by former Headmaster, Bryan Short.
Mr Bond's School
This article continues Bryan Short's history of the School. See Part 1 and Part 2 for the earlier articles.
The Receivership
In August 1880 the Master of the Rolls heard a case in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice brought by the Attorney General. The defendants were Edward Leigh Pemberton and the other Governors of Borden School. Officers of the Charity Commission had been prompted by the Headmaster, who wanted to know the future of the School. The Attorney General brought the action to establish what the School's future should be.
This is not a typing error!! A recent search through the School Archives has unearthed a very old School Inspection Report dated October 1914 and it is reproduced in full here.
During a recent visit to the school archives, we uncovered a number of new copies of “Borden Grammar School – A History in Photographs”. See full story for extracts from the book.
A comment has been received from Tony Young, re John Ford's obituary. To see full article and comments, click here.
The 5 a side league season finished on 9th May and culminated in the closest finish in the league for many seasons. 2nd to 5th were separated by just 6 points with the league winners having their lead cut from 15 points 4 weeks earlier to just 6 by the final whistle of the final game.
It is with regret that we have to report that Christopher Neil (Chris) Willson passed away suddenly at home on May 10 2013, aged 56. Chris left Borden in 1975 after taking his 'A' levels and went on to study at Oxford University.
Comment received from Philip Drury, re "Reminiscences of a pupil of the 1940s". To see full article and comment, click here
We recently received the following email from Reg Hunn, a pupil at Borden from 1944 - 1950, triggered by the obituary of Frank Nicholls,providing an insight into life at the school and beyond 60 years ago.
In an idle moment today whilst at a loose end , and for an inexplicable reason, I decided to look up the school on the web.
On studying the site I noted with sadness the passing of Frank Nicholls a while back.