Brian Tyler - obituary
We are sorry to hear that Brian Tyler passed away peacefully on 24 April, 2016, aged 86. The funeral service took place on Tuesday 10 May at 1pm, at the Garden of England Crematorium, Bobbing.
Peter Lusted, OBA vice-President, commented "I cannot claim to be one of Brian's contemporaries, but first met him when I started playing for the Old Boys Football team, aged 17 in 1968. Brian was the "old man" playing wide on the left side. It soon became clear that this "old man" was a player of some quality and could certainly teach the young Old Boys a thing or two. I subsequently learnt that he had played for Portsmouth. Brian was one of life's and football's gentlemen and it was always good to see him at Old Boys' Dinners and have a chat. A sad loss indeed."