250 years plus

on .

Peter Lusted writes about a tradition that embodies the OBA spirit:

For the past few years a small group of Old Boys have had occasional meetings during the year culminating in a Christmas meal.  

This year we met in the Appleyard, which is opposite the school and probably a favourite haunt for most Year 12 and 13 pupils (lower and upper sixth in our day), for our Christmas celebration. A quick calculation showed that between us we had accumulated more than 250 years for Old Bordenian activities….Committee members, OBA Governors, Maroon editor, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Website Controller, Chairman, Football players, 5 a side players, Cricket players….  

The photo shows from left - Chris Laming (well, half of him), Mike Pack, Keith Shea, Peter Lusted, Alan Snelling and Dave Palmer. Unfortunately it seems our waitress, who took the photo, had had more to drink than we had!

Andy Bushell had hoped to join us but is on the mend following a hip replacement so felt it wise to remain at home. Apparently he moves quicker on one crutch than he did on the football field with two good legs.   Not surprisingly we always have plenty to talk and reminisce about.  Long may it last.