Note from the Incoming Old Bordenian Association Chair - October 2017
Dear Old Bordenians,
I am delighted to be working with the committee, school and members of the OBA to help us to become more relevant to the people we represent going forwards.
Our objective is to focus on driving membership, providing help where we can to those just leaving the school, and networking & social engagement opportunities for all.
We have already made some changes, with the removal of the annual subscription and a move to voluntary contributions to assist our funding. There is more detail contained in the AGM Minutes on the web site: OBA AGM Minutes 2017.
For those of you who are in and around London, we are looking to meet up for informal drinks in the London Bridge area on Friday 24th November. It would be great if you could rally some past school friends and come and join us. If you are interested, please email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so I can get an idea of numbers and then I will confirm the venue.
Finally, a big thanks to those who have been doing so much work for the OBA behind the scenes over the years.
Regards to all
Mark Bailey