Stephen Bedelle

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It is with great sadness we learn of the passing of Stephen Bedelle on 15th June 2022.  Stephen attended the School 1969-1974 with his twin brother, Paul.

It is Paul who has kindly sent in these words about Stephen:

"It is with a very heavy heart that I have to report the death of my beloved brother Stephen Bedelle, on 15th June 2022.

Stephen left Borden in the summer of 1974 after his ‘O’ Levels, and joined the Royal Navy at HMS Ganges in January 1975, as a Junior Radio Electrical Mechanic 2nd Class. He saw action in the Falklands war whilst serving on HMS Avenger, including the fending off of no less than 2 Exocet missiles. He transferred to the Mechanician rank and was eventually promoted to Sub Lieutenant in 1990. His last role with the Royal Navy was as a Lieutenant Commander serving with the Royal Canadian Navy in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In August 2008, he then transferred to the RCN full-time.

He suffered a brain aneurysm in December 2019 and despite numerous setbacks, fought a valiant fight to the very end. Steve leaves a wife Kim and daughter Emma. Steve was a kind, generous and unbelievably humorous man who will be missed enormously by many people."

Stephen was speaker at the 2016 OBA Annual Reunion Dinner.  A report on his speech and photos of the event can be found here.  Stephen and Paul's father, Peter, another OBA stalwart, sadly passed away in 2021, his obituary can be found here.


The Association sends its deepest condolences to the family of Stephen in recognition of his military service to this country and support of the Association.