Admiral Sir Kenneth Eaton

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One of our most illustrious Old Bordenians, Admiral Sir Kenneth Eaton, died on July 20th 2022.

Born in Plymouth, Sir Kenneth joined the School from the Sheerness Dockyard School. After Borden he studied Mechanical Sciences Tripos at Cambridge. Eaton joined the Royal Navy in 1953 and served in the carrier fleet before various desk jobs. He did not stay on dry land too long, with stints on other ships including as Weapons Engineering Officer of HMS Ark Royal from 1976-1978 with the rank of Commander. With more senior shore roles, such as Commander of HM Naval Base Portsmouth (1987-1989) and Controller of the Navy (1989-1994), he was promoted to full Admiral in 1993.

After the Navy he held a string of high-profile Chairs, including that of Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Trust (1995-1999) and the UK Atomic Energy Authority (1996-2002).

At his death at home at Warnford, Hants he left his wife Lady Sheena Eaton and three children and four grandchildren. 

*Edited following email contact from Richard Eaton*