John Allard

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The daughter of John Raymond Allard (School dates 1938-45) has been in contact to report his passing in March 2022. 

John was born in 1927 and Susie France (his daughter) believes he was at Borden Grammar around 1938 to 1944/5.  A keen sportsman, he held the javelin record at school for many years. After School he enlisted in national service in the RAF serving in Ceylon and Hong Kong. After this he worked in the City for The Union of Canton Insurance Company.

John married Margaret Cockell who was also from Sittingbourne. They moved to Eynsford, Kent and had four children. The Union of Canton merged with The Royal Exchange which became Guardian Royal Exchange and Susie reports her father was their mortgage investor and worked excessively hard and was a very loyal worker.

They moved the office to Ipswich and so the Allard family uprooted from Kent to Suffolk. John continued his sports with hockey and cricket and played cricket well into his sixties. He retired at aged 70 and was diagnosed with bowel cancer, but overcame the operations and therapies that followed. He became involved in the local church as treasurer keeping his financial brain ticking over. Losing Margaret to severe osteoporosis in 2018 took its toll and although John managed with help in the house he moved to live up in Scotland with his youngest daughter and was happy there until his end.. A quiet, modest intelligent man who left four children, ten grand children and fifteen great grand children and some well invested interests.