News Compendium

School News

The School provides regular newsletters to the Parents of pupils and we will henceforth reproduce any interesting news on the OBA website. The most recent newsletter was in July, marking the end of the School year.

OBHC Hockey Report

The Old Bordenians Hockey Club is separate from the OBA but we maintain close links. Many Old Bordenians have and continue to play for the Club and the Association has historically supported the Club financial appeals, particularly in regard to the construction of the Club pitches. We also welcome many of the OHBC to our Annual Reunion Dinners.

OB Football Report - a winning year!

The Old Bordenians Football team reported at the 2019 AGM a fantastic 2018-19 season. The OBA provides support through the funding of the team's kit. Their unrivalled exploits are detailed in the Report provided to the OBA AGM and is detailed in this report by Keith O'Shea.

Tony Whibley remembered

Dennis Fowle has contacted the Association to report the recent death of Tony Whibley (1944-52). Although living in Hampshire, Tony maintained friendships with other OBs and attended Dinners as recently as 2018. Dennis has provided this obituary to the OBA.

A walk through the School - 2008

Something from the Maroon archives to throw you back through the years....

In the 2008 Maroon John Macrae led readers through a personal tour of the School, illuminating some of the history of the rooms and buildings as well as his memories of his time in the School. Whether you were a pupil in 1958 or 2008, you will find something of interest here.

Simon Robbins retirement

Those of you who attended the Annual Reunion Dinner will know that Simon Robbins, long serving teacher and Old Boy of the School retired this year. We marked the event at the Dinner by the presentation of a commerative tankard by Jason Lee (England International Hockey Player, Old Boy and once taught by Simon!).

Those of you still in Kent may have seen this article on Kent Online which was recently published as Simon closed out his final days as a teacher. Once more we pass our best wishes on to Simon for a long and happy retirement and thanks for his long service to the School.


1969 Leavers reunion report


Back in 1994, a large group of Old Bordenians gathered to mark the 25th anniversary of their departure from Borden Grammar School.

Another 25 years have passed and following a tour of the School, a dinner was held at Hempstead House in Bapchild to celebrate 50 years since the majority of those present ended their school life.  Some of those present have known each other since their primary schools (including Barrow Grove and a few even to Ufton Lane) in effect 63 years of friendship. Together they managed to locate and contact 31 former colleagues, scattered in all parts of the globe and 18 were able to attend the Reunion on June 15.

Final OBA Veterans reunion (again!)

A very enjoyable evening was had on 13th June 2019 at the latest in a series of ‘last’ OBA Veterans reunions held once again in the ‘Appleyard Sports Bar’ (previously known as UK Paper, and previously known as Bowaters Pavilion). It seems we get more to these reunions that we used to get available for Sunday morning matches.

OBA School Trustee opportunity

The School's Board of Trustees (formerly known as Governors of the School) have for many years held a position open for a Old Bordenian Association representative. Our most recent representative has now moved off the Board of Trustees and hence there is a vacancy for an Old Bordenian to replace him.

Having a voice on the Board of Trustees is an important right for the Association: it allows us to play our role in the School's governance and also identify how the Association can contribute to the School's success.

If you wish to learn more about this role, please contact us at



2019 Annual Dinner Report

It was with much pleasure we were able to hold the 2019 Annual Reunion Dinner back at the School on 30th March. 66 Old Bordenians dined in the Old Hall and the Chairman, in his welcoming remarks, noted we had 'come home'.

Alun Davies (1935-2018)

It is with sadness that we have been informed of the recent passing of Alun Davies, teacher at the School from 1959 to the mid-1990s. John Gardiner (1987-92) is a friend of the family and has provided an obituary for us. Many (including this website editor) will have had Mr Davies as a teacher at some point in their time at the School. The funeral will be held on Wednesday 12th December, 2pm, at the Garden of England Crematorium, Bobbing.