News Compendium

OBA to offer support to School Minibus funding

At the AGM on Friday 12 October, it was decided that the Association, in line with its aims, would offer financial support towards the cost of a new minibus for the School. The current minibus is nearing the end of its useful life and with School budgets being stretched, it was felt that this would be a helpful way to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to support the School.

We know Old Bordenians will support this initiative and we will be in touch soon to seek any further donations to aid us to fulfil this commitment.

Reunion for 1965 Joiners/1972 Leavers

Cliff Cork is organising a social get together on 3rd November 2018 (location TBA but somewhere in Sittingbourne) for anyone joining the School in 1965 and/or leaving in 1972. Given Cliff's address book is limited, he is keen to reach out to old schoolmates who would like to join him in November. If you are interested, please email the site administrator (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and we will put 'Corky' in touch with you! 

Old Bordenian Hockey Club – Offical opening of new pitch

After 14 years, the Old Bordenian Hockey Club and the School have worked to deliver to club members and pupils a magnificent, new, two-tone green surface with a new yellow and black set of match goals.  The pitch will be opened on Saturday 15 September by Olympic and European gold medal winner, Susannah Townsend.  Susannah will also take part in a master-class for juniors and minis.  The attached poster gives the timetable for the day and it is hoped that as many club members, parents and friends as possible will come along to support the event. The bar will be open and food will be on sale.



1925 -1936 School Magazines - New addition to the OBA archive

The OBA maintains an archive of materials which have been passed to it by OBs and others. We are grateful that in recent weeks, the son of JCG Neville, School Captain 1932-33, contacted us via the School to offer a set of School magazines dated from 1925-36 which his father had kept.

The OBA archive is a rich source of information about the School and Old Bordenians and is maintained by Marc Stewart, OBA Committee Member and School Governor. Marc welcomes any contributions such as Mr Neville's and any queries about the archive. 


Our long term aim is to digitise these and offer them on the OBA Website

Ken Heaver

Ken Heaver (At school 1941-47) has passed away and his sister, Maureen Fox, has been in touch with the OBA to inform us of his death.

Old Bordenians in the News

Old Bordenian David Highton has recently been appointed as Chairman of Demelza Hospice Care for Children. David has had a long career in the NHS and is also Chair of the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust. Demelza provides specialist care and emotional support for children with terminal conditions as well as supporting their families during difficult times.

Barry Gilbert

It is with deep regret that we report the death of Barry Gilbert, who passed away on 24th March. Barry joined School in September 1949 and left July 1956.