News Compendium

David Jenkins - OB and Teacher

Its with great sadness we learn of the passing of David Jenkins (1960-2022) who was both an Old Bordenian through his studies at the School (1973-1978) and teaching career which ended in 2015.  Many OBs will have known 'Dave' Jenkins as a fellow pupil during his years or studied under him in his Science classes.

Stephen Bedelle

It is with great sadness we learn of the passing of Stephen Bedelle on 15th June 2022.  Stephen attended the School 1969-1974 with his twin brother, Paul.

Richard Evans 1943-2022

It is with regret we report the death of Old Bordenian Richard Evans in April 2022. Richard attended the School from 1954-62 and had been living in Epsom until his death. 

2022 OBA Annual Reunion & Dinner Report

After two missing years, there was much anticipation about our 2022 Annual Reunion and Dinner. A chance to reconnect with friends and make new ones. A chance to socialise again without Government mandate. It did not disappoint.

Peter Highton

It is with sadness we report the death of Peter Highton who attended the School from 1939 to 1947.  The Highton family was linked to the School for three generations from the 1930s to the 1970s.

Peter's son David informed us of his passing and provided these words.