News Compendium

Article on School evacuation

We often reflect on the adversity facing us in the current times and note the upheaval for the School and its students during the pandemic.  It is therefore timely to be reminded of a perhaps more disruptive upheaval when the School was evacuated during the Second World War. 

OBA recognition of School staff

The objectives of our Association include assiting the School.  We have worked to contribute to support Pupils' wellbeing and amenity and the fabric of the School.  The Staff who work in the School are equally part of that equation.  After two calendar years of working under the shadow of the pandemic, the Association thought we should offer a small, but fun thank you to the Staff. 

Reg Robson

Reg Robson, a Borden pupil from 1945 to 1952 followed by a significant career in the Royal Air Force, has died in a Hampshire care home approaching his 87th birthday. Old Bordenian and friend Dennis Fowle (1945-51) has sent in this obituary.

OBA Veterans Football Club Reunion

The evening of 23rd September 2021 was a special evening because during the course of 4 hours the OBA Veterans Football Club reunion was held  for 2020 and 2021. As you would expect, they merged into one very enjoyable evening. Alan Snelling and Peter Lusted have provided this report.

Ruth Bellord

It is with sadness we learn of the death of Ruth Bellord, School Secretary from 1975-2000.  Many Old Bordenians who remember Bryan Short will also remember “Mrs Bellord” from when they had to go to the secretary’s office. 

New Wellbeing Garden

One of our Association objectives is to support the School in financial and practical ways.  We already fund the School Minibus and we have engaged the Head to suggest other projects we could assist with. One such project has now been identified.

Barrie Mann

We have been informed that Barrie Mann, pupil from 1947-1954 passed away in March 2020. 

Neville Amos (1947-54 as well) has sent us some recollections about Barrie's time at the School and beyond: